Not Just for Show: 8 Ways a Chain Link Fence Beats the Proverbial White Picket Fence

If you have your heart set on a quaint white picket fence surrounding your home, you may very well be setting yourself up for a big disappointment in the future. While it may look like something from a Norman Rockwell painting for the first few years after installation, a wood fence will create a lot more work and expense for you than a chain link fence. The following benefits of chain link will likely convince you to pass on the picket and opt for something more lasting and useful, instead. [Read More]

6 Standards For Maintaining Your Cedar Wood Fence

If you have chosen cedar wood fencing for your garden, you have made a good choice. The properties of cedar wood fencing makes it favorable for outdoor use, due to its durability and resistance to rotting and warping. It is also more resistant to pest infestations than many other species of wood. However, there are several rules you should follow to keep your cedar wood fence in tip-top shape and looking like new. [Read More]